(At the Cycle Show it was demonstrated with 2 house bricks inside and you could not feel the weight of them at all on your shoulders.)
So, today was it's first airing and after a few adjustments along the way to make it tighter, it was very comfortable indeed. My shoulders and neck were very happy - just need a downpour to check out the waterproofing!!
As planned I caught up with some admin, made inroads in mailing out the Bike Week marketing material and eventually made contact with a professional photographer - I have hired him to take some photos at the Cycle Festival on the 13th June. I am desperate for some modern/fresh cycling shots and this is a great way to start my library.
Dreadful journey home - very strong winds that swirled around, making progress slower than usual. (The voice of my old coach rang in my ears
"Ride into the wind at all times - it makes you stronger!")
But that wasn't the worse thing to happen - a car towing a caravan came way too close and I really don't know how I avoided being knocked off. The driver had wildly swung off and the caravan snaked and almost took me out. Fortunately for me we were heading for the same single track lane and I managed to catch up with him. I very calmly put my view across and suggested politely he may like to consider giving cyclists, at least a car doors width when over-taking. All credit to him, he had realised the error of his ways and apologised profusely- which I accepted and I hope he will THINK BIKE next time.....?
My favourite rucksack for cycling is the Arkel Bug: it converts between a rucksack you can wear on your back, and a pannier you can clip to a bicycle rack ... so you don't have to have it on your back at all when you're cycling!
(Don't tell me your bike doesn't have a rack — C'mon!!!)
I had a couple of brushes with motorists myself last weekend. Cycling south out of Windsor along the A332, someone threw a Coke can at me from the window of a passing car. I had a suspicion that had happened, but there was also the horrible feeling that some large part of my bike had come off, been thrown up by the back wheel, gone scurrying across the road, and goodness knows what's about to happen to the back wheel. A friend behind saw the incident and confirmed it was a Coke can which had been thrown.
The second incident was about an hour later, going through Ascot, where it's only wide enough for single file traffic. A car driver tried to nudge past, realised he couldn't do it, and dropped back. I thought I wouldn't give him further incentive, and pulled out into the middle of the lane and stayed there until we reached a left filter lane for our turning off. The motorist gave me a beep to signal his displeasure!
I guess we all have horror stories to tell regarding our friendly motor car drivers....!
Hmm? Rack bosses on my bike - I really wish at the time of getting my bike made by Brian Rourke, that I had gone for that option! Though, maybe at the next respray I could....?
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