The container finally arrived today for the BMX project - though the 18 tonne truck nearly had to turn back as the access into the meadows is pretty tight and it was a squeeze to get it down the rather narrow lane.
Though it has to be the smallest container in Christendom - it will just about fit 12 bikes and possible the odd tool......?
The residents association were on hand to make sure it was put in the correct place and I think they were pleasantly surprised as when positioned, they couldn't see it! I left them making coffee and betting with each other on how long before the container is covered in graffiti - 1 week was the general consensus!
The bikes are due to be delivered next week and the coaching sessions are filling up nicely.
Please do let me know if you would like to attend the 2 day event as you are all very welcome?
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I think I've shown you this before, but what the heck:
Here's the artwork the local artists' group painted on the Somer Valley Wheels container.
Your mission, should you wish to accept it, is to "top that!".
Well done and good luck with the scheme...
The challenge has been set - I'll see what I can do....?
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