Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Twiddling my thumbs....!

Oh dear! My inbox is empty, everything is set for the BMX workshops next week. I have even finalised my cycle tour at the end of August - C2C and Reivers. The good news however, is that I have been symptom free for 2 days and Sport Reading have given me the thumbs up to go back to work tomorrow - whoohoo!
It has been an eye opener as I really have missed the interaction with my work colleagues and certainly could not work from home on a permanent basis.
On the positive side the Tour is live from 12:00 today and I for one shall be glued to it. Armstrong did well yesterday to ride up to the yellow jersey group- I haven't written him off yet? An impressive Tour for Bradley Wiggins too and it would be good to see if he has the legs to attack today?
How about that - a Brit on the podium in Paris.......?

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