Friday, 11 September 2009

Going State side......

It probably seems that I'm always on holiday - but today brings the start of a 3 week holiday. We are celebrating my partner's significant birthday by visiting New England for 2 weeks. I have also promised to stay clear of FaceBook, Twitter and my laptop - umbilical cord. This means, I'm afraid - no Blog updates......! We are going to do a bit of cycling, paddling and walking. With a bit of luck the weather will be kind and we may be in time to see the spectacular autumnal colours.
So, in my absence - keep those wheels a turning and keep safe.......?
Catch up with you all soon - maybe at the Cycle Show?

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Lovely ride in

Don't you just love this time of year? - the mornings are a little nippy, but with the correct gear, the ride into work is pure pleasure! The trees are turning and this morning the fields had a low lying mist over them. It's days like this, that I consider myself very lucky to have found THE wonderful past-time of cycling. Today I rode my Rourkie and after not riding it for over a month, I had forgotten how special it is to ride.
My day was pretty hectic - maintenance on some of the bikes, risk assessment issues on a couple of the sessions. My local line manager in Reading is leaving tomorrow - lots of loose ends to tie up before we all share a drink or 2! Good news though, as she starts work with the CTC as the Bike Club National Manager. Good luck Sarah and looking forward to seeing you in the CTC uniform......!

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Graffiti or art......?

I have spent the day at the BBC in Whitecity - stakeholders meeting for a potential campaign on the back of an adventure/challenge programme. More of that later though, when things have been firmed up a bit.
My train journey home was exceptionally interesting as it was 'kicking out of school' time and hoards of teenagers got on.
I had 2 lads sitting opposite me chatting about tagging - it was almost like a foreign language! But I was captivated and intrigued to hear about what fonts, paints they use and how they managed to 'graff up' a white van in London and Kensal Rise tube station......!
It was like being transported into a different world! My world being miles away from theirs. Well, that was until they clocked the CTC logo on my shirt and I was asked " Hey, what do you do for a job?" I answered by telling them I get people on bikes. Within a nano second we had connected - they admitted to watching and loving the Giro and Le Tour. Riding regularly at Aston Hill - though finding the 4x course a challenge and I think were pretty impressed that I had ridden it or more than one occasion!
That's what I love about cycling - it connects people of all ages and backgrounds. Though didn't chance my arm in trying to recruit them as members.
Next time maybe?

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Have you seen these bikes?

Imagine my surprise, when trawling the interweb for that next cycling purchase - well a girl has to do something to cheer herself up! I came across a this brand - and very fine they are too. The importer is based in the neighbouring town of Berkhampstead - though purchases can be made through various shops and direct from the website.
The disappointing thing is, that they only have 3 sizes - they state the 3 most common sizes. Well, unfortunately for me, they are way too big....! But do check them out, the lovely silver headtube badge is to die for! Hey, Stephen the Peregrine will take take disc brakes and may well be the bike you are looking for.....? But I may just turn a tad green if you do?
Anyway let me know what you all think?

Monday, 7 September 2009

Little black cloud over Great Missenden

Oh dear, and the weekend started so well too - the Inclusive Cycling Forum and starting 18 months worth of data entry on the new database on Saturday went swimmingly. But on a personal level, things took a turn for the worse on Sunday. Now, for those who really know me will tell you, I have 2 passions - riding a bike and my Siamese cats! Unfortunately, one of my young cats had to be put to sleep on Sunday - Lily was one of THE sweetest cats ever. The toughest thing about owning an animal is making that all important decision and boy does it knock your socks off! Anyway, I really mustn't dwell, as I'll be weeping into the laptop. We were blessed with 2 wonderful years and have lots of lovely memories. Though she will be sadly missed. RIP Lily.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Inclusive Cycling Forum

Today I have spent some time tying up a few loose ends for the Inclusive Disability Forum - which is being held in Reading tomorrow. This is the 2nd time the group has met this year and as they come from all parts of the UK - Reading was considered fairly central, with it's great rail links. So, it will be interesting to see how they will progress with getting the bike recognised as a mobility aid. It will be good to see them all again though.
Wow! it's the end of the week already - not sure where it went, but the weekend is upon us and I'll be working both days.....! No peace for the wicked, though I hope to get some miles in on my Spech Roubaix before the weather changes and I have to tuck it up for the winter.....!
Have a good one, whatever you are doing.........?

Thursday, 3 September 2009

It can't be THAT time already.....? bloomin' well is - Big Lottery reporting has to be in at the end of September. OK, I know it's only the 3rd but I've a mountain of database
entering to do before I take a trip of a lifetime planned in just under a fortnights time. We're off to New England to celebrate my partner's significant birthday.....! Where we'll be walking - or should I say hiking, cycling and paddling - can't wait and with a bit of luck we'll see the autumnal colours?
So, you can see the urgency to get things done before I go and having the most hideous headache on earth is not helping - sorry, I'm stamping on that exaggerator pedal again!
It's also not helpful that I'm distracted by the prospect of purchasing a new bike - keep trawling the websites for the 2010 models.
Back to the work in hand -the all important lottery report is almost complete and I can then turn my thoughts to the mind numbing process of data entering.
Hmm, but before I do, maybe I should check BikeRadar's site for new gear, update my facebook and twitter profiles and make that, all important cup of tea - as you can see, I'm just not feeling 'it' today.......!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Like a kid in a sweet shop......!

No, I haven't had a sneak preview of all the exhibitor stands at this years Cycle Show! I've just been told that I have around £10k to spend on some all ability bikes for younger people. To date, I have been mostly working with adults, but as Sport Reading launch their new initiative called Aiming High - activities for kids with disabilities and their families. I now have an excuse to go shopping! So, this morning I spent a few hours checking out some trikes, tag alongs and some mainstream bikes. With some good contacts I have managed to source some ex demo bikes for an excellent price and believe it or not, I may have trouble spending the full amount - an enviable position to be in! The bikes will be here in a few weeks - just in time for the stadium to re-open.

On another note - I managed to dodge the rain either end of the working day, which is just as well. Both my gortex jacket and trousers have lost their waterproofing - I'm not surprised given the rain in Cumbria last week! Can anyone advise me on reproofing 'said' items or do I have to continue with the spending spree.......?

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Back in the South

Hmm? It was a long but very enjoyable week. Despite having all the appropriate Sustrans maps - I failed to appreciate the route profile on day 2 and got horrendously lost riding the Reivers. Sustrans really need to spend some money on signage for the Reivers route - most of them around the towns had been peeled off by some thoughtless person and the signs out in the countryside were so faded by the weather conditions you couldn't read them......!
Nonetheless, a great way to see some fantastic scenery and I've definitely got the touring bug and have my sights set on another next year - though haven't quite decided where. I guess that's all part of it- sitting down with the maps and planning it all out.
My day in Reading was very quiet and I spent most of the day ploughing through emails and catching up with the Southern Officers. I'm pleased to announce that the advert has gone out to replace me - see here if you are interested in becoming a Cycle Champion! I will be SO relieved when the person has been appointed as doing the 2 jobs is proving to be tricky - feel like I'm not giving either one the time it needs!
Good to get back on the road bike though and to do battle with the commuter traffic - total adrenaline rush after the very quiet roads of Cumbria!