Monday 10 August 2009

When the road turns upwards..........

Thought I would share a couple of my climbing tips with you all - it works for me every time!
Living in the Chilterns means having to cope with short, sharpish climbs on all of my bike rides - OK, I know it's not Wales or indeed the Lakes, but hey, it's not like riding the dead flat plains of the Fens!
Anyway, anyway, anyway - here's how I do it.
At the bottom of the climb, I fix my eyes on something in the hedgerow around 50 ft away- a prominent nettle,bramble or if I'm desperate, a discarded piece of litter!
Keeping my eyes glued on 'said' item until I pass it, but which time I'm looking for the next thing to concentrate on - this continues until I reach the top of the hill. The climb passes without me really noticing and it's certainly better than looking upwards to the top of the climb or just ahead of your front wheel.
The other technique I adopt is, climb seated for 100 pedal revolutions and then out of the saddle for 100 - it's amazing how quickly you can get to the top! I tried it last night on a climb at the end of my ride where the old legs were a little tired and it worked a treat.
So, why not give it a go and let me know how you get on.....? I suppose the other way to make climbing easier, is to drop half a stone - but I don't fancy trying that, do you....?


David said...

How about thinking of going down the other side?

Helen said...

Hmmm? True. But like life, the roads around here, have their ups and downs! ;)