Tuesday, 11 August 2009

East Hampshire for the day

Today I visited Sarah Walker - Cycle Champion based in East Hants.
This was the first of many business reviews in my new role as Senior Development Officer.
It was great to get up to speed on what was happening in East Hampshire - All Ability Cycling, Forest Rides and some women specific events.
Sarah has a huge challenge - the county is huge and is very rural, so she will be targeting those hard to reach areas in a very different way to those officers based in towns. For one, she will be taking the bikes to them for taster sessions. It's a difficult call as I would never advocate driving lots of miles - but if she can engage them for 6 weeks or so and prick their interest, hopefully they will go and buy a bike and then continue to cycle long afterwards. It's a very difficult project, but I'm looking forward to getting involved a little more and it will be interesting to see how it develops over the coming year or so.

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